Friday 31 October 2014

Best Foods to Clear Sinus Congestion

- Spicy Food: Generally spicy food like pepper, jalapeƱo will release mucus in your nostrils, thus clearing your sinuses. But, if you suffer from acid reflux, avoid spicy foods as they can trigger heartburn. When stomach acid flows back upward, it irritates and inflames your nasal passages, causing them to become swollen and blocked.

- Chicken Soup: It contains an amino acid called cysteine which helps initiates a process that enables breaking down mucus, leading to a runny nose and cleared sinuses.

- Warm Drinks: Tea or other hot drinks moisten your mucus membranes, promoting movement of mucus through your sinuses.

- Foods rich in Zinc, Vitamin A, C and E: Vitamin A is known as membrane conditioner which helps build healthy mucus membranes in the head and throat. Leafy green vegetables, orange and yellow vegetables, tomatoes, fruits are rich sources of vitamin A. Citric fruits like grapefruit, lemon are rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin E is found in nuts, seeds and vegetable oils, while zinc is found in red meat, poultry and seafood.

- Garlic: It releases an enzyme called allicin when crushed. Allicin may destroy bacteria and kill viruses that cause sinus infections.

- Pineapple: It contains bromelain, which has been used for centuries to treat inflammation after surgery, particularly sinus surgery.

- Coconut water: It contains potassium and has bodily cleansing properties.

Worst Foods for Sinus Congestion:

- Caffeine weakens your adrenal glands.

- Fermented foods (Cheese, beer, sauerkraut, wine)

- Fried food

- Starchy foods

- Eggs

- Food containing additives

- Omega 6 fatty acid containing food

- Refined vegetable oils

- Saturated and Trans fat food

- High sugar content food (soft drinks, desserts, ice cream)

- Cow’s milk

- Refined Carbohydrates (White bread, rice, pastas)

Monday 27 October 2014

5 Common Signs Your Diet Needs a Makeover

In a world where fast food and quick-fix diet plans are everywhere, it’s easy to take a detour from the path of healthy eating.

A lot of times it can be hard to change our weight and our lifestyle because we’re not even sure what the real problems are.

Check out the list below for some of the most common signs your diet needs a few touch-ups, along with a handful of solutions to help you get back on track!

1. You are constantly hungry after you eat.

If you feel hungry after your meals, it’s time to check what you’re putting in your body. Are you eating enough healthy fats and whole grains to hold you over and sustain you throughout your day?
If not, toss a handful of raw nuts or seeds such as almonds, cashews, chia seeds, and hemp seeds in a zip lock bag and bring them with you to work—store them in your desk drawer.
You can add these to your salads for an extra boost of protein and healthy fats that will hold you over until your next meal without mindlessly munching.

2. You have cravings all the time—not just when you are PMS’ing.

Cravings are a sign that your body needs something you’re not feeding it. When your body is short on fuel, it craves sugar because it recognizes that chocolate bar as a fast source of energy.
However, because your body processes sugar so quickly, you’ll be left with another craving in no time. It’s much better to halt your sugar cravings by eating healthy fats that give your body long-lasting energy.
Buy a few avocados each week and keep them in a brown paper bag to ripen up! Try adding avocado to salads or a savory bowl of oatmeal, pureeing them in a blender to make a salad dressing or veggie dip, spreading them on whole-grain toast, or adding them to a brown rice wrap.
If that sounds like too much work for you, simply sprinkle avocado halves with sea salt and pepper and dig in with a spoon.
Adding healthy fats to your meals and snacks such as nuts, nut butters, nut oils, avocados, organic eggs, olive oil, flax oil, and avocado oil will help with your sugar and junk-food cravings!

3. Everything you eat comes from a box or a bag.

Time to eat one-ingredient foods.
You can make meals out of one-ingredient foods.
It’s easier than you think.
Steer clear of the processed, packaged foods and whip up easy meals such as salads and bowls of whole grains, healthy fats, and fiber from fruits and veggies; these are filling meals that are nourishing—you can count the ingredients on one hand, and they all come from one-ingredient foods.
You’ll feel a surge of energy and won’t be as bloated too!

4. You can’t recall what the inside of a food store looks like.

Sad! Get into the food store or farmers’ market and pick out a new veggie or fruit each week, along with lean proteins such as seafood, organic chicken, beans, and legumes.
Pair your protein with healthy fats, such as nuts or seeds, and then top your meals off with a boost of flavor from your favorite fresh herbs and spices, such as fresh cilantro, parsley, curry, or chili powder.

5. You think quinoa, millet, and brown rice are boring.

Think again! There are lots of ways to prepare these grains with fresh ingredients to add loads of flavor and texture. Toss these gluten-free and fiber-filled grains with olive oil, sea salt, pepper, chopped fresh cilantro, mint, basil or parsley, along with a touch of natural sweetness from pure maple syrup or raw honey.
Add a few cherry tomatoes or fresh berries along with freshly squeezed lemon, lime, or orange juice to keep your meals exciting.
Toasted walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts are always a great idea, but if you aren’t a nut fan, toss in some toasted sesame, pumpkin, or sunflower seeds for a nice crunch!
Roasted chickpeas are a great way to add flavor too, and they’re a healthier option than store-bought croutons.

Get creative and mix ‘n’ match to keep your meals exciting. You can enjoy these grains in all meals and snacks in your breakfast porridge, lunchtime salad, dinner tacos, or an easy dessert pudding!

Saturday 25 October 2014

Dos and Don’ts for High Uric Acid

High-fibre foods
Adding foods high in dietary fibre may help lower uric acid levels in your blood. Dietary fibre may help absorb uric acid in your bloodstream, allowing it to be eliminated from your body through your kidneys. Increase the consumption of dietary soluble fibres such as Isabgol, Oats, Spinach, and Broccoli to name few.

Cold-pressed olive oil
Use cold-pressed olive oil in cooking instead of shortening, butter or vegetable oils. Oils that have been subjected to heat or processing turn 
rancid quickly. Rancid fats destroy vitamin E in your body - this vitamin is necessary for controlling uric acid levels. Olive oil helps you avoid the production of excess uric acid, which is associated with the consumption of rancid fats.

Take in a healthy dose of vitamin C
To help reduce the amount of uric acid in your system, regularly taking 500 milligrams of 
vitamin C will decrease your uric acid levels in a month or two.

Avoid bakery products
Avoid cakes, pastries, cookies and other sugary delights which are rich in saturated fats and trans fats.

Celery seed extract 
This is also a popular natural remedy for gout and uric acid problems. The seeds of the celery plant have long been used to treat gout, rheumatism and arthritis. Celery possesses sedative, antioxidant and mild diuretic action and is considered a urinary antiseptic. In rare cases, this herb is also used to treat sleeplessness, anxiety and nervous breakdown. Although the seeds of this plant are often used in herbal supplements, the roots may also be used.

Antioxidant-rich foods
Fruits and vegetables such as red bell peppers, tomatoes, blueberries, broccoli and grapes are rich sources of antioxidant vitamins. Antioxidants which are vitamins that prevent free radical molecules from attacking your organ and muscle tissue cells may help lower uric acid levels.

Cherries contain chemical compounds that may help neutralize uric acid allowing your body to eliminate this acid as waste. Some researchers recommend consuming 30 to 40 cherries every four hours during an attack.

Apple cider vinegar
It is believed that raw, apple cider vinegar can help alleviate high uric acid levels by changing the pH values of your blood. But it has to be raw, un-distilled, un-pasteurized apple cider vinegar; the kind you get from your local health food store.

A simple home remedy, "Add 2 teaspoons of vinegar to a large glass of water and stir thoroughly. Drink a glass between 2 and 3 times every day. You can also use it topically: half a cup added to three cups of hot water and soak the affected area for 30 minutes. Re-heat and repeat as necessary."

Saturated fat, trans fat, sugar and alcohol
All these affect your triglycerides, a type of fat that can clog your arteries and increase your risk for heart attacks and strokes.

High-fructose corn syrup 
This is a type of sweetener in soft drinks and other processed foods that can elevate your levels of triglyceride and uric acid - a chemical associated with 
diabetes, gout, alcoholism, kidney disease and other health problems.

Drink plenty of fluids to help flush uric acid from your body
Drink a minimum of 3 and 1/2 liters of water daily. Water is a medium that aids the kidney to 'strain' the impurities from your body.

Also avoid high-protein weight-loss diets which can cause you to produce too much uric acid (hyperuricemia).

Limit meat, poultry and fish - animal proteins are high in purine and this will result in high uric acid levels in the body

Limit or avoid alcohol
Alcohol interferes with the elimination of uric acid from your body. Drinking beer in particular has been linked to gout attacks. If you are prone to uric acid attacks, limit alcohol consumption to one drink three times a week.

Choose complex carbohydrates
Eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables and fewer refined carbohydrates such as white bread, cakes and candy. Because foods rich in complex carbohydrates promote feelings of fullness, and prevent overeating and are useful in maintaining a healthy weight.

Thursday 23 October 2014


We spring clean our homes pre -Diwali and our bodies typically need the spring cleaning post-Diwali, thanks to the relentless onslaught of festival food that’s mostly sweet, fried or both. It is common to feel guilty for having overeaten and then feel bogged down and bloated post the festive season.

Cleansing your body with a detox diet helps give your body the time to recover from poor dietary choices and lack of exercise during the festive season.
It also gives your energy levels a shot in the arm.

Here’s how to go about it:

  • Increase your water intake: Keep sipping water (Ayurveda recommends lukewarm water) throughout the day, consuming up to 2 liters. Don’t gulp down water hastily as you may swallow air, which, in turn, causes bloating. Water helps the body to metabolize toxins better and flush them out. Start the day by sipping a tall glass of lukewarm water with a few drops of lemon juice in it.
  • Drink green tea: After water, the next best drink that will help you detox is green tea. It is rich in antioxidants catechins.
  • Choose natural and unrefined foods: Wholegrain, organic, all-natural are your keywords here. This means no sugar, no refined flour, no store-bought baked goods and surely no fizzy drinks. Avoid readymade masalas and all other packaged foods during this period. 
        Fruits and vegetables provide a range of nutrients and fibre that help with the detoxification process
  • Add natural flavors: Make your meals more flavor by using ginger, garlic, citrus zest, cloves, cinnamon, chillies, black pepper and so on. These spices boost flavour of the food in a healthy way. Most Indian spices like turmeric, ginger, black pepper are known for their antioxidant and immunity-building properties.
  • Fill up on fibre: For any meal, choose ingredients with high-fibre content. Fibre is the best natural detoxifying agent, sweeping down all the collected debris in the intestines. Two teaspoons of isabgol (psyllium husk) with a tall glass of water half an hour before breakfast helps in regularizing bowel movement.
        Choose whole-wheat bread over white one. Play with interesting grains like cracked wheat, red unpolished rice, and various millets for creating variety in your meals.
  • Chew: Chewing the food helps it mix well with the saliva, making it alkaline, which is the body’s natural pH. Not chewing your food properly also means that it stays longer in your gut, fermenting in your intestine and causing indigestion and bloating.

What your menu should look like:

Porridge made using any wholegrain with milk or soya milk and sweetened with a pinch of cinnamon, or fruits; yogurt with sugar-free all-natural granola, sprinkling of nuts/sunflower or pumpkin seeds and honey; boiled egg with a sprinkling of black pepper and wholegrain toast; or sugar-free ragi (finger millet) flakes and milk.

Lunch and dinner:
Mixed vegetable curry with brown rice; steamed fish or chicken with salad or whole grains; millets pulao with cucumber-onion-tomato raita; fresh greens salad in lemon-basil-olive oil dressing with wholegrain bread (see below for salad recipes); or idlis and mixed vegetable sambhar.

Few pieces of fruit, vegetable sticks with yogurt dip, sprouts-fruit chaat, raw seeds or nuts.
Also, going on only-fruits or -juices diet is not recommended as it leads to loss of muscle. Make sure you eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, but also include lean protein like fish, sprouts and tofu.
Choose good fats like cold-pressed coconut and olive oil from nuts and seeds, avocados, etc. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


Festivals bring along happiness, prosperity and loads of rich food high on calories. 

Be it Diwali, Holi, Id or Christmas, all festivities call for unlimited servings of sweets, snacks and other fatty foods.

During festival season it is difficult to stick to your diet as our loved ones expect us to join in the celebrations.

Neither you neither want to be snobbish nor a spoilt sport by declining every time you are offered any of those “loaded-with-calories” and sinfully delicious stuff.

Now the question arises: how to make merry and stay in shape as well?

The answer is simple – a little bit of cheating, some food swapping, and smart ways of eating will do the trick.

How not to fall off the wagon during festivals

Follow these simple tips and avoid accumulating those extra kilos during the festival season.

Eat in Moderation:

Easier said than done, but moderation is the key to enjoying festive food. During festivals you are bound to eat fried snacks, sweets and other fatty preparations but it will cost you less on the weighing scale if you keep the portions smaller.

Don’t Skip your Workout:
Don’t let your food sit pretty on your body by simply lazing around in the house during festival holidays. No matter what, don’t skip your daily exercise routine. At least you will even out some of the excess calories that you are going to consume while indulging in those heavenly festive goodies. Even better, motivate yourself to run an extra mile, if you are lusting for some yummy gulab jamuns drenched in sugar syrup.

Use Low Fat Ingredients:
If you are making sweets yourself, try using low fat (skimmed) milk and other dairy products. Rather than refined sugar, use natural sugars like honey, jaggery and dates.
These days “diet” sweets and ice creams are easily available in the market. But remember, that only means that they have been made with a sugar substitute and the cream and ghee quantities usually remain the same as regular sweets. So don't go overboard indulging in these so-called diet desserts.

Dry Fruits over Deep Fried:
If there is a choice between dry fruits and sweets, opt for dry fruits. It's true that dry fruits are equally high in calories but at least they are not “empty calories” and nuts and other dry fruit contain many beneficial nutrients. Most snacks and sweets, on the other hand, are made of refined flour, which holds very little nutritive value.

Drink Water before Snacking:
To bring in that feeling of fullness, drink water before snacking. This will definitely bring down your craving and make you eat less.

Eat Slow:
This age old theory works best here. Instead of filling your plate to the brim, take fewer things at one time. Eat them slowly and gradually, savoring their taste to the fullest.

Say no to Carbonated Drinks:
Did you know all that running for half an hour on your treadmill will be in vain if you consume even a single can of an aerated drink (140 cal per can)? Try to stay away from carbonated drinks as they add unnecessary empty calories, which will be very difficult to burn later on.

Green tea
Last but not the least; continue your affair with green tea as it is a very good antioxidant. Even if you are going out, ask for green tea instead of colas or tea or coffee.

Soups and greens
"Before you set out for dinner, have a bowl of soup or salad  . This will reduce the quantity you are likely to consume, thus cutting down the number of calories. Try to compensate by eating less during dinner if you had lunch at a relative's place
Another good way to keep calories at bay is to have a boiled egg before going out for dinner. It will keep you satiated for a long time and contains lesser calories
If you can’t do away without your bubbly drink, have the “diet” version. You might have to compromise a little bit with the taste but it has less than 4 calories per can.

Share Gifted Sweets:
Don’t be greedy and keep all the sweets and chocolates that you get only for your indulgence. Be generous. Share them with young ones in the family, relatives, neighbours and people in your area who are not as fortunate as you.

Sunday 19 October 2014



Lavender has one of the most pleasant fragrances ever and it also has many health benefits such as healing wounds, scar tissue, acne, eczema and skin problems.


The healthy balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids keeps body strong, healthy and beautiful from the inside. Kale’s concentration of major nutrients gives your skin, hair and nails healthier and appearance a boost.


Rosemary has a bevy of beautiful benefits ranging from moisturizing your skin and supporting healthy collagen development to fighting off skin-damaging free radicals and also stimulates hair growth.


Thyme is effective on Propionibacterium, the bacterium that causes acne. Thyme has a good antibacterial effect compared to benzoyl peroxide present in acne creams and face washes.


Sage leaf oil is known to improve blood circulation and stimulate cell renewal. This herb is rich in vitamin A and calcium, which play a major role in daily cell regeneration. The antioxidants of sage combats free radicals, thereby easing the wrinkles, fine lines, and other ageing signs. In short, this fabulous herb helps in keeping your skin younger, radiant, and flawless.

Friday 17 October 2014

Fight Constipation with Your Diet

Constipation is one of the most common issues faced by a large section of population. There could be various reasons for difficulty in defecation some of which are enlisted below:


·       Low fiber diet
·       Not drinking enough water
·       Repeatedly ignoring the urges
·       Hypothyroidism
·       Painkillers (specifically aspirin, ibuprofen)
·       Black Chocolate
·       Calcium & Iron
·       Laxative overuse
·       Dairy products
·       Antidepressants
·       Depression
·       Antacids
·       BP & allergy meds
·       IBD
·       Pregnancy
·       Diabetes & neurological disorders
·       Menopause

The first step to fight this issue is to find the probable cause for it. Half battle is fought when you are able to find the same. Approaching winters will only worsen this condition.

Here is how you can manage constipation in winters


Having 10-15 glasses of warm or normal water in winters will surely be beneficial. 

·       Have warm water with 2-3 tbsp of raw honey early in the morning.
·       Fenugreek/methi can be used in the form of paranthas or chutney to help your bowel movements.
·       Apple-pear juice is highly beneficial to help this condition
·       Teas from various herbs like mulethi, ginger
·       Aloevera juice

Ayurvedic solution for constipation:

·       Take 2 tbsp ajwain seeds, jeera seeds & heeng each. Roast the three in 5 ml of ghee for two minutes. Have ½ tbsp with warm water twice a day 15 minutes before meals.
·       Apply 2-3 drops of castor oil in the naval region before sleep.
·       Add sesame, sunflower & flax seeds in your flour 1-2 tsp each to help relieve constipation
·       Take powdered dried ginger root, long pepper, black pepper and black salt 1 tsp with warm water before breakfast.   

FRUITS: Some fruits have the properties to regulate the intestinal movements by providing enough fibres, water and laxative effect to your system. They are

·       Prunes Beans Kiwi Ripe bananas Figs Dates Oranges Sea buckthorn 
    (winter berries)


Aloe – vera, Fenugreek, Fennel Sea, buckthorn, Sorrel, Senna, Dandelion, Turmeric, Cumin, Fennel Celery


Green vegetables like spinach, bottle gourd, methi etc
Green veggies help to add required roughage to improve bowel movements.

Physical Activity:

Regular exercises help the mobility of your gastro intestinal tract thus helping in constipation

Yogasanas like uttanapadasana, pawanamuktasana, vajrasana help to improve bowel movements.


Nausea, vomiting, joint pain and even cancer – ginger root, which is available to us all year round in every supermarket or market, can work wonders when it comes to our health.

This medicinal plant has not only taste, but added value. In this article you will discover what types of problems it is suitable for, how to consume it and how to store it at home.

Ginger has been known for over two thousand years as a medicinal herb effective in treating digestive problems, nausea, hangover and gases. Modern studies have found that it is effective in the treatment of vomiting, protects the gastric mucosa and improves inflammatory conditions.

Ginger improves the absorption of food nutrients and increases the availability of active ingredients in body tissues.

The taste and aroma of fresh ginger are intensified the more mature the plant is, and it is considered non toxic and safe for everyday use.

Here are 6 reasons to consume ginger to improve your health:

1. Soothes the digestive system

Ginger improves the digestive system, stimulates, helps in the absorption of nutrients, absorbs gases and toxins and helps the skin to release toxins.

2. Reduces nausea and vomiting

Recent studies show that ginger is very effective in preventing nausea, especially sea sickness. Ginger has a great effect that has been proven to be very effective in preventing vomiting during pregnancy.

Compared with conventional drugs that may harm the foetus, ginger is completely safe to use without side effects and you need a relatively small amount of it.

3. Anti-inflammatory

If you suffer from arthritis pain in the knees, consuming ginger on a daily basis can definitely help. Ginger contains powerful anti-inflammatory substances called gingerols.

These have been tested in various research of rheumatic diseases such as 
osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. The participants in the research reported a gradual reduction of pain, improving agility and movement and reduction in swelling when using ginger regularly.

4. Protects against colon cancer

These gingerols, the main active ingredient in ginger, that are also responsible for the special taste, may prevent the growth of colon cancer cells, according to a 2003 study.

This study showed that ginger is effective in preventing and treating colon cancer.

5. Kills ovarian cancer cells

Studies at the University of Michigan showed that gingerols also cause death to ovarian cancer cells.

The ginger ingredients have been proven to have antioxidant, anti- inflammatory and anti- cancer properties. Ginger has the ability to reduced inflammatory in cell components attributed to the development of ovarian cancer, as well as components responsible for cell proliferation and distribution.

Conventional chemotherapy treatments do the same action, but may cause the cancer cells to develop immunity against drugs.

6. Stimulates the immune system

Ginger not only warms us on a cold day, but it can also help in causing healthy sweating which is good to reduce fever in colds and flu.

This sweating can stimulate the immune system and help the body cope better with the disease.

German researchers recently found that the sweat triggers substances in the immune system that help fighting against various infections. Find here more ways to boost your immune system.

How much ginger should be consumed?

Ginger is so concentrated with active ingredients that you don’t need to use much of it to enjoy its health benefits.

As for nausea for example, tea with 1-2 inches of fresh ginger in hot water may be all you need to calm the stomach.

For rheumatic arthritis pain you need even smaller amount of ginger in food or tea each day

How to buy and store ginger?

If possible, choose fresh ginger and not the dry spice, as fresh ginger is more powerful because it not only tastes stronger but its health effect is stronger as well, and contains much more gingerols and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

When you buy ginger, notice that it is stiff to the touch and has smooth skin.

Young fresh ginger doesn’t require peeling of the skin and can be grated as it is. However ginger that was left on the shelf for a long time will have a hard skin that needs to be peeled, and it will also be more fibrous.

Fresh ginger can be stored in the refrigerator up to three weeks when it is not peeled, or in the freezer up to six months.

Thursday 16 October 2014


Rosemary grows on a small evergreen shrub belonging to the labiates family that is related to mint. It is not surprising that the taste and aroma of the herb rosemary, historically used for strengthening the memory, is unforgettable.
Rosemary has a unique pine like fragrant flavor that is balanced by a rich pungency, a combination that evokes both the forest and the sea. Its memorable flavor and unique health benefits makes it an indispensable herb for every kitchen.


1. Digestive Health
Rosemary helps in treating digestive problems like upset stomach, constipation, indigestion. It also helps to prevent food borne illness when ingested with foods such as meat or eggs.

2. Hair Growth
Rosemary may stimulate hair growth and also helps in hair re-growth after rubbing rosemary into their scalps for seven months.

3. Anti-aging
Rosemary is a popular ingredient in anti-aging  skin cream because it helps in reducing puffiness, stimulates cell regeneration, increase firmness, and improves overall skin tone.

4. Pain relief
It’s not only helps in  relieving  the pain of migraine but essential oil of rosemary also helps in treating arthritis, sore muscles, and other joint and muscle pain.

5. Improved memory

Rosemary has memory enhancing properties. It protect against Alzheimer’s disease as well as normal memory loss that happens with aging.