Wednesday 26 November 2014


  1. Eat a lot of non-starchy vegetables, beans, and fruits such as apples, pears, peaches, and berries.
  2. Eat grains in the least - processed state possible: “unbroken,” such as whole - kernel bread, brown rice, and whole barley, millet, and wheat berries
  3. Limit white potatoes and refined grain products such as white breads and white pasta to small side dishes.
  4. Limit concentrated sweets - including high-calorie foods with a low glycemic index, such as ice cream - to occasional treats. Reduce fruit juice to no more than one cup a day. Completely eliminate sugar-sweetened drinks.
  5. Eat a healthful type of protein at most meals, such as beans, fish, or skinless chicken.
  6. Have three meals and one or two snacks each day, and don’t skip breakfast.
  7. Eat slowly and stop when full.

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