Friday 15 March 2019

How many steps do you need to take every day for losing weight

How many steps do you need to take every day for weight loss.

Are you tired of trying various ways to keep losing weight? And hopeless that none of them works? Well ,we must keep in mind ,not to loose our mind while losing weight and follow these very simple day to day steps to losing weight without hunger pangs coming in the way.

Do not skip breakfast.

Since breakfast is one of the most important meal of the day. It is advisable not to skip this meal, as our metabolism is high early in the morning there for any quantity of food or anything we eat is digested by our body and the fat absorbed is very minimal.

Waking up half an hour early.

Give yourself just half an hour time.Waking up just half an hour before your usual waking up routine and doing some freehand exercises or yoga or jogging or even running can burn those extra calories. It is advisable though to increase by five minutes slowly in the beginning and keep increasing it to an hour slowly.

Eat less but more frequently.

If you think that starving yourself will make you loose weight faster, then you are wrong. In fact the opposite happens ,the moment we stop eating, our body starts storing even the minimal amount of fat from anything we eat, therefore we must trick our body and eat little amounts of food at regular intervals, like a cup of green tea or a fruit or a biscuit or nuts.

Take the stairs!

If you do not find time for exercising,you can take these little steps in your daily life towards burning your body fat such as, taking the stairs instead of the elevator,walking instead of taking a vehicle if you are going nearby or go for cycling or you can also turn on that music and let your body groove to it , dance your heart out or just take time in cleaning your place.

Keep your body hydrated.

Drink a lot of water,and keep your body hydrated. Drinking water half and hour before your meals can actually reduce your hunger and make you eat less in quantity, in addition to that water helps detoxify your body and also help digest your food faster.

Say no to junk food

The biggest exercise that you must learn to do is to say no ! Avoid oily and greasy foods. Say no to burgers pizzas and chocolates(except dark chocolates as they are rich in antioxidants)and start healthy food habits. Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants such as fruits, green tea,green leafy vegetables, also add some protein to your diet such as kidney beans, soybean, lentils.

Do not fall for false advertisements.

There are end number of drugs available in the market which gives us false promises to reduce weight rapidly, strictly stay away from them, as they are very harmful and has various long term side effects therefore loosing weight naturally is the best way there is.
Losing weight is therefore is not as difficult but in the process we must not loose our minds and practice healthy habits.

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