Thursday 16 July 2015


Ayurveda is an ancient Indian mind-body-spirit well-being practice based on balancing the three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. Food combining is a health-conscious approach to eating, where foods that require different digestive environments are eaten separately.

It’s a simple concept of eating right which influence our health more than we could imagine….

Don't eat Fruit after a meal
Fruit doesn't combine well with other foods. The reason is that fruit contains simple sugars that require no digestion. Thus, they will not stay for a long time in the stomach.
Other foods, such as foods rich in fat, protein and starch, will stay in the stomach for a longer period of time because they require more digestion.
So if you eat fruit after a meal, the fruit sugar will stay for too long in the stomach and ferment.

Liquids and solids
As a law, no liquid should be taken with solids. Liquid tends to pass away immediately into the intestines taking away all the digestive enzymes thus inhibiting the digestion. Liquids should be taken at least 20 minutes prior to meal and not immediately after or along with meal but can be taken one hour after meal.

Cold Drinks
Avoid cold or iced drinks during or directly after a meal. The cold diminishes digestive power (called agni) and causes a host of digestive problems, allergies, and cold.

Eat freshly cooked food
Fresh food is full of prana (life force) and nutrients. These start to diminish soon after it’s cooked. By the time it’s a leftover, its properties have changed and it’s heavy for the body to digest. Cooking every single meal may not be realistic, but at least try to avoid food that’s been cooked more than 24 hours before.

Meat and Potatoes
If an animal protein is eaten with a carbohydrate, such as meat and a piece of bread or a potato, the different digestive juices will nullify each other’s effectiveness. The protein will putrefy and the carbohydrate will ferment. The result is gas and flatulence in the system.

Green tea or black tea and milk
Tea contains flavonoids called catechins, which have many beneficial effects on the heart.
When milk is added to tea, then a group of proteins in milk, called caseins, interact with the tea to reduce the concentration of catechins
Curd should NOT be consumed in the night
Buttermilk helps in digestion whereas curds to the contrary are heavy to digest. It can be best digested at lunch time when the digestive abilities are the strongest.
Curd is acidic in nature. It aggravates pitta and kapha as it produces a lot of heat in the stomach. Curds are heavy, slow to digest and can be constipating too.
People with weak digestion should avoid its consumption.

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