Friday 20 October 2017

Detox After Diwali

As we all know Festivals bring in good cheer, happiness, and mouth-watering varieties food. The sweetmeats during Holi are made exclusively for this season and it is truly difficult to resist this temptation—Gujia, Jalebi etc. The delicacies are endless and so is the indulgence. Families and friends come together and one tends to indulge in them more than it is needed.

Diwali is the festival of lights and SWEETS, brings a lot of joy and also weight. Diwali is infamous for being the time when people start eating different types of sweets that eventually adds to the flab that they have lost after dieting and exercising for a long time.  It becomes very difficult for health-conscious people to maintain their diet and keep a check on their calorie intake.

Role of Detox Diet 

A detox diet can help you begin a healthier eating plan by making you feel cleaner and lighter. Once you feel your body rid itself of all those toxic chemicals, and you enjoy the benefits such as regular bowel movements, a clearer complexion, and more energy, you’ll probably feel motivated to continue eating well and will be less inclined to clog your body with unhealthy foods. People often report improved energy, clearer skin, regular bowel movements, improved digestion, and increased concentration and clarity after a detox diet.

Advantages of an Instant Detox-

  • A clean healthy renewed system which leaves you light, energetic and feeling fresh 
  • A boost of antioxidants resulting in a well-hydrated skin looking radiant and luminous 
  • A quick unload of toxins which leaves your body slimmer and fitter 
  • A confident, active and alert you, shrugs off the sluggishness of the body 
  • A healthy and natural way to kick-start your healthy lifestyle once more
  • A psychological motivation, far precious than anything else as you see your weight go down again getting you recharged right away. 

This is a three-day detox program which will help your body get rid of at least some of the effects of any toxins from alcohol and the oily foods.

Detox Diet

1.Day One

7 a.m. green tea + 2,3 almonds + 1 walnuts ( overnight soaked ) 
9 a.m. apple shakes //apple +milk 
10 a.m.  green tea 
11 a.m. Coconut water
Noon A platter of fruits// fruit chaat 
4 p.m. 2 fruit crush 
6.30 p.m. A full plate of papaya with lime.
Dinner – milk + wheat flakes 
Sip warm water or Green Tea throughout the day.

2.Day Two

8 a.m. Lemon  with lukewarm water 

9 a.m. One piece of fresh fruit such as apple, pear, papaya, grapes or citrus.
15-30 minutes later: One bowl of cooked whole grains oats or wheat
Noon Coconut water
Lunch -1 pm: One-two medium bowls of steamed vegetables. Use a variety, including roots, stems and greens )
4 p.m. Green tea
6.30 p.m. bananas, apple, grapes and papaya. ( chaat)
Dinner ( 8 pm) veg soup // smoothies 
Sip water with lemon throughout the day.

3.Day Three

8 a.m. Lemon water
9 a.m. Coconut water// green tea 
Snack - fruits till noon or fruit salad 
Noon -Vegetable soups of beetroot, spinach, lemon, mint, Ginger, cucumber.
Lunch -. Salad of raw vegetables. + a bowl of steamed vegetables + sprouts
4 p.m. Green Tea with few nuts like almonds and walnuts.
6.30 p.m. a bowl of papaya// papaya shakes 
Dinner – milk wheat flakes // fruit + milk 
water with lemon throughout the day.

Step Guide To Detoxing After Diwali

Start your day with lemon water

Drinking lemon water in the morning flushes out toxins and excess sugar from the system, thus promoting weight loss. It also encourages healthy digestion and helps relieve symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, burping and bloating.

Fill your plate with salad

Eat raw vegetables and fruits and veggies like cucumber, carrots, radish, tomatoes, onions, oranges, papaya, apples off before every meal. Raw foods make you feel amazing and are known for removing toxins and healing your body fast.

Exercise Regularly 

Apart from healthy diets it is very important to do physical activities like yoga, medications etc

Drink water

water is one of the most popular tools for weight loss to come around in a long time, and for great reasons.Drink water as much you can 12- 13 glasses in order to boost up metabolism and energy  Start your day by drinking warm water with half a lemon squeezed in or a cleansing herb tea and Drink at least 12- 13glasses of water every day. Squeeze in some lemon juice or add some mint for an extra dose of freshness.

Detoxification is not only about elimination and abstaining. It takes at least 3-4 weeks for any new lifestyle change to become a habit. Try to follow these guidelines and you will end up with greater energy, improved overall health, and rejuvenated long term glow.

Wish you  happy and prosperous Diwali

Eat healthy and stay healthy.

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