Tuesday 24 October 2017

The Top Selenium Food that Fights Inflammation

We know selenium benefits are enormous, but it’s often hard to get selenium in your everyday diet. So if you’re struggling to get this healthy compound, we got the food just for you: Brazil nuts.

Brazil nuts are quickly becoming one of the hottest foods for improving health and longevity. Brazil nuts can be part of an overall healthy diet plan because they contain rich amounts of other key nutrients as well.

Not many foods are able to improve your sexual performance, protect against cancer, and boost your metabolism, but Brazil nuts can!

Brazil nuts are the No. 1 food source on the planet for this chemical element. Enjoying just one to two Brazil nuts per day can be all you need — and even work better than a supplement — to maintain a healthy level of selenium in your body. Selenium is crucial to many bodily functions from mood to inflammation.


Brazil nuts are great for inflammatory issues in the body because they’re tremendous anti-inflammatory foods. Brazil nuts, as do most nuts, contain ellagic acid. Ellagic acid has high anti-inflammatory properties in the body and can even be neuroprotective. Another important anti-inflammatory agent in Brazil nuts is selenium, which is hugely important when combating inflammation in the body. 

Weight Management:

Brazil nut assists in weight management. It contains high amounts of protein and fiber that control hunger, thereby reducing weight. Eating a small serving of Brazil nuts keeps you full for a longer time, reducing the likelihood of snacking in between.


Brazil nuts are also on the list of cancer-fighting foods, again due to their high ellagic acid and selenium levels. Ellagic acid is also antimutagenic and anticancer.


As mentioned, the No. 1 food source on the planet for selenium is brazil nuts. Selenium has been scientifically proven to lift mood and prevent depression. 

Heart Health Booster:

In small amounts, Brazil nuts can provide a healthy boost to one of your most important organs — your heart. The selenium, potassium, calcium and magnesium present in these nuts are all helpful for maintaining a healthy blood pressure, which has a direct positive effect on heart health.

Thyroid Control:

Your thyroid helps control your metabolism, heart rate and body temperature. 

Glowing Skin:

Selenium in Brazil nuts speeds the cell turnover process, providing a natural glow to the skin. The high levels of antioxidants in Brazil nuts stimulate the production of glutathione, which combats free radicals that damage the skin collagen. The Vitamin E in Brazil nuts also maintains the integrity of the cells of the mucus membranes and the skin.


The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of Brazil nuts can be useful for treating acne and skin inflammation. Zinc in this nut reduces skin redness and promotes the production of collagen. It flushes out the toxins from the body, preventing the onset of acne.

It’s important not to overdo it with these nuts, since the high selenium content can be detrimental if you overload your body with it. Brazil nuts also spoil quickly, so make sure to purchase them in reasonable amounts.

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