Thursday 3 December 2015

Home Remedy for Acidity

#1: Bananas

Eat a ripe banana for some relief. You could also eat an overripe banana to beat an especially bad bout of acidity, as they tend to contain more potassium which makes it the perfect antidote. Here are eight foods that can help you detox naturally and aid digestion.

#2: Tulsi

Chewing on five to six tulsi leaves when you suffer from acidity is a great way to beat the discomfort you feel.

#3: Cold milk 

It is essential that you have the milk cold and without any additives like sugar. You could even mix it with a spoon of ghee to make the remedy even more effective.

#4: Saunf or aniseed

While simply chewing on a few saunf seeds can help reduce the symptoms of acidity, as a long term remedy, boil a few seeds in water and leave overnight, drink this water during the day when you feel uneasy.

#5: Jeera

You can chew a few seeds of jeera to relieve acidity or boil it in water and drink the solution when it has cooled down.

#6: Clove

In case you’re suffering from acidity, bite a clove once so that the juice is released and then keep it in the mouth. The slowly released juice will immediately lower acid reflux and give you some relief. Cloves can also help relieve a sore throat, here’s how.

#7: Elaichi 

To relieve acidity crush two pods of cardamom (with or without the skin), boil the powder in water and drink the cooled juice for instant relief.

#8: Mint leaves or pudina

If you feel an attack coming on chop some mint leaves, add them to a pot of boiling water and drink this water after it cools. You could also try mint to calm indigestion

#9: Ginger

For relief from acidity, chew a small piece of ginger. If you find that too pungent, try boiling it in water and drinking the decoction. Another remedy is to crush ginger, mix it with a small piece of jaggery and keeping sucking on it allowing the juice to slowly reach the stomach.

#10: Amla

Have one teaspoon of amla powder twice a day to help keep acidity at bay. So the next time you feel like you might suffer from a bout of acidity, ditch that bottle of antacid, and try some effective home remedies instead, after all they’ve been around for centuries.

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