Monday 31 October 2016

Health Benefits of Drinking Water

Water has one of the most important roles to play in maintaining a healthy body and some of its benefits of drinking water include:

PH Balance: The human body maintains a pH range of 7.35-7.45 for proper physiological processes. An acidic shift may lead to sickness and an inability of the body to assimilate vitamins and minerals. Thus, it should be above the value of 7, which is favorable to the body’s oxygen uptake, higher energy levels, and a better immune response to diseases. This is attainable by consuming lots of water.

Body Temperature: Much of the human body is made up of water and this fluid is responsible for the regulation of body temperature. We undergo perspiration in summers to dissipate the excess heat in order to lower our temperature. This temperature regulation property has been attributed to water as well.

Breathing: Water plays its role in distributing oxygen all over the human body while collecting the carbon dioxide from all these parts and dissolving these gases.

Metabolism: Water is the carrier of oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to the body’s parts and also provides a medium for the removal of toxins, dead cells, and waste material. The proteins and enzymes involved in various fundamental processes also require water for their proper functioning.

Constipation, Heartburn, Migraine, Gastritis and Ulcers: A number of disorders are related to water deficiency. Constipation, heartburn, migraine, gastritis and ulcers can all be prevented by drinking modest amounts of water routinely.

Kidney Stones:  2 liters or 10 glasses must be consumed each day to prevent the formation of kidney stones. Water is the best solvent and this property does not allow salts and minerals to accumulate to form stones. The salts reaching kidney gets diluted and eliminated in the urine.

Kidney Functions: The excretory material in the form of urea is highly toxic to body tissues and must be diluted before their passage. This is again done by the ‘universal solvent’ – water.

Skin Tone:  It has been established that proper water levels in the body prevent the body from experiencing dehydration. This in turn maintains the turgidity of the skin. A number of skin problems can be prevented by drinking adequate amounts of water.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Joints in the human body are prone to continuous friction and weathering. These can be maintained in proper shape by the intake of proper amounts of water. A decrease in water consumption may lead to rheumatoid arthritis.

Backaches: The back of our body rests on the spinal cord. The spinal disc core is made up of a large volume of water and dehydration, which leads to back pain in many individuals.

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