Monday 4 April 2016

Home Remedies for Gallstones

Gallstones are hard deposits that form inside the gallbladder, a small organ located behind the liver on the right side of your abdomen.

Gallstones can range in size from smaller than a grain of sand to larger than a golf ball. According to the American Medical Association, 80 percent of gallstones are made of hardened cholesterol that develops when there is too much cholesterol in the gallbladder. Other causes include high levels of bilirubin and a concentration of bile in the gallbladder.

Pregnancy, obesity, diabetes, liver disease, a sedentary lifestyle, a high fat diet, and certain forms of anemia are some of the risk factors of gallstones.

Here are the top home remedies for gallstones.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar
The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar stops the liver from making cholesterol that is responsible for forming the most common type of gallstones.
Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of apple juice. Drink it whenever you have a gallstone attack. This will significantly ease the pain within 15 minutes.

2. Lemon Juice
Another good ingredient for keeping gallstone attacks under control is lemon juice. It stops your liver from making cholesterol, which helps in faster recovery. The pectin in lemon juice is believed to help get rid of gallbladder pain attributed to stones.
Plus, the vitamin C in lemon juice makes cholesterol more water soluble, which promotes faster elimination of waste products.
Drink fresh juice squeezed from four lemons each day on an empty stomach. Follow the drink with a glass of water. Continue this therapy for a week.

3. Peppermint
Peppermint aids digestion by stimulating the flow of bile and other digestive juices.
Boil one cup of water.
Add one teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves.
Remove from heat, cover and steep for five minutes.
Strain and add one teaspoon honey.
Enjoy the tea while it is still warm, twice daily for four to six weeks. Drink it between meals for maximum results.

4. Vegetable Juice
When suffering from gallstones, it is essential to cut down on fried and fatty foods. For a week or two, follow a strict diet based on fruit and vegetable juices. A mixed vegetable juice made of beet root, cucumber and carrots is a good remedy for gallstones.
Beet root helps cleanse the liver and strengthens the gallbladder. Cucumber’s high water content is great for detoxifying the liver and gallbladder. Carrots are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients that are good for the immune system.
Extract the juice from one beet root, one cucumber and four medium-size carrots.
Mix them and drink this juice twice a day.

5. Psyllium
Psyllium is a very good source of soluble fibre, hence it is considered a good remedy for gallstones. The fiber in psyllium binds to the cholesterol in bile and helps prevent gallstones from forming.
Add one tablespoon of psyllium powder to a glass of water.
Mix well and drink it two times a day.
Repeat daily until your gallstones are gone.

6. Dandelion
Dandelion is another very useful herb for the treatment of gallstones. It contains a compound known as taraxacin that helps in bile excretion from the liver. This also helps detoxify and metabolize fat accumulated in the liver.
Place one teaspoon of dried dandelion root in a cup. Pour hot water in the cup, cover it and let it steep for five minutes. Strain and add honey for taste. Drink this tea two or three times a day for one or two weeks.

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