Friday 9 September 2016

Home remedies for Dengue

Giloy: Giloy is a very important herb in Ayurveda. It helps in maintaining the metabolic rate, strengthening the immune system and protects your body against infections. You can also add few Tulsi leaves in the drink.

Papaya Leaves: "It helps in increasing the platelet count and reduces the symptoms of fever like body ache, chills, feeling low, getting tired easily and nausea,"  You can crush the leaves and consume or drink the juice which helps in flushing out the toxins.

Fenugreek Leaves: These leaves are known to reduce fever and act as a sedative to ease pain and promote more restful sleep for patients. You can soak the leaves in water and then drink it or you can get methipowder and mix it with water and have it.

Goldenseal: Goldenseal is a herb whose dried root is used to make medicine. It has the ability to clear up the symptoms of dengue fever very quickly and eliminate the virus from the body. It works like papaya leaves. You use it in the same way like papaya leaves either by crushing and chewing or by juicing it.

Turmeric: It is also known to boost metabolism and helps in making the healing process faster. You can consume turmeric along with milk.

Tulsi Leaves and Black Pepper: you can consume a drink made by boiling Tulsi leaves and adding about 2 grams of black pepper to it. This drink helps in building your immunity and acts as an antibacterial element.

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