Saturday 13 August 2016

hair Care Tips in Monsoon

Use a Mild Shampoo

Keeping your hair and scalp clean and clear during monsoon is necessary. Due to increased humidity, dandruff, hair fall and oily skin may occur. Since we sweat a lot due to humidity, hair becomes sticky and dirty. So you need to wash your hair regularly with a mild shampoo that is completely free of all the chemicals the strong shampoos usually have. Regular shampooing is also necessary because your hair has the chance of becoming limp during monsoon and shampooing is the only way to restore volume to the hair.

Use a Good Conditioner

The increased humidity level in the air can make your hair dry, rough and frizzy. A good conditioner will help to keep your hair soft, smooth and get rid of frizzy hair.

Hair Air-dry

Artificial mode of hair drying technique like blow dryer and hot rollers can make your hair dry and lifeless. Allow your hair to dry on its own. If you can’t wait, make sure to use dyer from a distance. Also try to keep your hair dry. Wet hair leads to hair fall and dandruff.

Stay Away From Hair-styling Products

Refrain from using hair styling products during the monsoon. These chemical based products tend to turn your hair oily and greasy due to excess humidity in the air. The gum and gel used in these products can cause dandruff.

Wooden Comb

Use a wooden comb with wide tooth instead of plastic comb to untangle your hair. During rainy season, hair often becomes frizzy and unmanageable due to humidity. With wooden comb, you will be able to untangle your hair easily without any breakage.

Oil your Hair

Oiling your hair is necessary throughout the year to prevent them from drying. But during monsoon, hair becomes dull and dry due high humidity level. So, it is all the more necessary to nourish your hair with oil during this time. It will keep your hair soft, frizz-free and untangled.

Take Care of your Diet

A healthy balanced diet is crucial for healthy hair. Protein is essential for strengthening the root of the hair. If you want to keep your hair soft and silky, you must eat foods which are good sources of protein and iron, like eggs, fish like salmon and mackerel which contains protein and omega-3 fatty acids and walnuts which are high in vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. Besides these, whole grains, green vegetables, nuts, and yogurt are good for your hair. Also drink plenty of water to hydrate your scalp. Dehydrated scalp can weaken your hair and encourage hair fall.

Prevent Dandruff

To keep your hair dandruff-free mix egg white in almond oil and apply on the hair. Allow it to dry and then wash off. Another way to prevent is add some lemon juice to coconut oil and massage your hair and scalp. Cover your hair with a towel immersed in hot water to get steam therapy. After 15-20 minutes, wash your hair with a mild shampoo. This treatment will keep your hair not only healthy but dandruff free also.

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